Daech rebelle et révolutionnaire: Narrations hybrides d’un groupe hors-la-loi

The article aims at understanding how ISIS presents itself through videos in relation to the notions of revolution and rebellion. While exposing a jihadi narrative, it appears that the group's discourse is more complex than a simple nihilism, and that its construction relies heavily on the narr...

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Veröffentlicht in:Middle East - Topics & Arguments
1. Verfasser: Richard, Thomas
Format: Artikel (Zeitschrift)

Veröffentlicht: Philipps-Universität Marburg 2016
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Zusammenfassung:The article aims at understanding how ISIS presents itself through videos in relation to the notions of revolution and rebellion. While exposing a jihadi narrative, it appears that the group's discourse is more complex than a simple nihilism, and that its construction relies heavily on the narratives of the revolutionary war and the myths of rebellion, allowing it to offer a hybrid and particularly coherent discourse.